Who We Are

We are a group of people enthusiastically aimed at turning your little spheres into greener spaces. We believe that to live a healthier life, it is imperative to have an environment that’s just not beneficial for health but also sufficiently vivid to produce gallons of positive energy each day. Hence, keeping the urban lifestyle of the day in mind, we pamper and encourage your love for plants, gardening, and the decoration of your home.

What We Do

We take you to a land that’s doused with the coolness of the lush, green nature by helping you turn your homes into urban jungle. Creating green spaces both indoors and outdoors, we turn your concrete sphere into a greener and more sustainable space through our customised gardening solutions that unfold heavenly magic to mesmerize you with each sunrise.

How We Do It

We are driven by our passion to promote sustainability as a feasible way to live life. Thus, explore the possibilities of indoor as well as outdoor gardening for you by rendering to all your needs, i.e. plants, seeds, pots & planters, accessories, etc. that make you fall in love with your gardening experiences.


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